The King's Way
In 2013, ELKOLET launched its Alternative Education Initiative known as The King’s Way (“TKW”) to facilitate students, attending Alton secondary schools, who struggled with their mainstream education. By 2019, we were serving 13 different secondary schools from all over East Hampshire. TKW deliver core subjects: Maths, English and Science; humanities subjects, RSE, Employability Skills, in addition to providing counselling, mentoring and family support.
Responsible for Education & Personal Development​
What is on offer at TKW?
Respite days; ​
An alternative bespoke timetable which may include work experience;​
Full off-site provision for year 7 to 11 (providing core subjects: Maths, English & Science);​
GCSE examination accommodations;​
Tailored action plan to facilitate a resolve alongside preventative measures;​
Mentoring alongside social, emotional and mental health support with a holistic approach, which may include the whole family, the school or college alongside external agencies.​
All young people have the right to a suitable, rounded education and sometimes different pathways are required to achieve the same goal. ELKOLET provides initiatives to facilitate young people: (1) react to specific needs where an alternative pathway is required; (2) provide well-planned, well-taught, broad and balanced curriculum; (3) there is a clear plan of re-integration and/or transition which supports the young person in returning to full-time provision, when appropriate.​
ELKOLET work with students who do not have any extra provision as well as those with EHCP's and those in the process of applying for an EHCP. As our environment is small and the timetable to tailored to each young person, it gives us the opportunity to focus on key points and manage different SEMH needs.​

Important Information
Alternative Provision Settings - A place where a child or young person can go who is unable to access mainstream school for reasons including school exclusion, behavioural issues, or illness.
ELKOLET is a privately run charity which has the ability to operate an Alternative Education Provision. However, ELKOLET is an unregistered Alternative Provision. This means that we must safeguard our students to the highest level, deliver education that is on par with mainstream schools and not provide full time education to our full cohort of students.
ELKOLET ensures that all of our policies and procedures are up to date and robust in order to safeguard every student, staff member and volunteer that is with us. Further, each student can be with us for no more than 15 hours per week. The remainder of the school week could consist of work experience, school or other provision placements and workshops. Though ELKOLET would be flexible in supporting the students placement needs, the Commissioning school has the responsibility for ensuring full time education is provided.
Operating as stated above, ensures that ELKOLET is legal and compliant in its work.

Government information on Alternative Provisions: